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Contact LEPC / CEMA 912.201.4500 912.201.4504 

The Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council (GHRAC) is a state board, appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Georgia Senate, which is advisory to the University System of Georgia with regard to the Georgia Archives and to historical records issues and concerns in the state. One of its statutory charges is “to identify endangered records of historical value and to recommend appropriate actions to protect them” [O.C.G.A. 20-3-45.1(3)]. This charge implies the appropriateness of advisory conduct with regard to emergency planning, preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery for “endangered records of historical value.” GHRAC board members network and communicate with representatives of natural, cultural, and historical (NCH) assets in Chatham County and other parts of the state; with like-minded entities such as SHER (Savannah Heritage Emergency Response) and HERA [Heritage Emergency Response Alliance (metro Atlanta)]; and, with the handful of professional conservators in the state who are AIC-CERT certified (American Institute for Conservation of Historical and Artistic Works — Collections Emergency Response Team). GHRAC functions with the Georgia Archives, the state-level institution which collaborates with GEMA for support of NCH institutions, sites, and organizations throughout the state in the event of a major emergency or disaster. The Georgia Archives also collaborates with the Georgia Department of Administrative Services to maintain a statewide contract identifying prequalified vendors for NCH-relevant recovery services and supplies for major disasters.


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