Comprise of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. Each member must be a Full Voting Representative and in good standing. Due to fiscal accounting, the Treasurer functions will be performed by CEMA. This position serves in a supportive capacity to the Executive Committee. The Treasurer will maintain and oversee all financial records for the LEPC and shall ensure appropriate signature authority is processed for legal and financial institutions. Service in this position does not preclude CEMA from serving in any other capacity necessary to support the LEPC. The LEPC Committee and Committee Chair will determine goals and duties of Sub-Committees.
LEPC Chair: Randall Matthews
LEPC Vice-Chair: Pete Liakakis
Treasurer: Dennis Jones
Staff Support:
By-laws / Steering
Responsible to the review, update and present changes in the By-Laws to the LEPC committee annually for approval.
Chair: Tom Dolan
Grants and Finance
This committee shall be responsible for preparing and presenting a proposed annual operating budget, formulating a plan to finance the activities of the LEPC through the annual operating budget, overseeing the accounting for and expenditure of the funds of the LEPC, and other matters as may be assigned by the Chairman.
Chair: Dennis Jones
Training and Exercise
Identify training needs for all hazard types and make provisions to satisfy those needs; and to plan, coordinate and conduct training exercises. To conduct one full-scale Hazardous Materials related exercise every other year.
Chair: Greg Close
Emergency Response
Works with the Training & Exercise and the Outreach Committees within existing emergency response organizations within the planning district to review and help local emergency management offices develop and test a hazardous substance emergency response plan for the planning district. This Committee shall review existing federal, state and local plans for the purpose of coordination with the LEPC planning process.
Chair: James Vickers
Works with the Training & Exercise and the Outreach Committees within existing emergency response organizations within the planning district to review and help local emergency management offices develop and test a hazardous substance emergency response plan for the planning district. This Committee shall review existing federal, state and local plans for the purpose of coordination with the LEPC planning process.
Chair: Steve Thompson
Support and Development
To develop and support each of the Subcommittees as needed. This group is responsible for all printed materials, any promotional items and communication of events including the maintenance of the LEPC Website.
Chair: Greg Rouse